Tuesday, March 31, 2020

(#29) - Editing Day #3

It's crazy to think that I've already posted 28 blogs for this year. It hadn't hit me until I saw #29... how funny. Anywho, Luis and I hopped back onto WeVideo today to revise scene 2. After micro editing, Luis had a few things he wanted to talk about.

Again, song choice

Upon making microcredits to the running montage of the characters, Luis asked if I could search for another song for this scene. I agreed with this observation; the original choice was on the right path, but not the exact vibe we desired. Therefore, I searched YouTube Audio Library again for another potential song.

Using the "rock, dark" filter like last time, I decided to change the instrument that I was looking for. Last time I searched for "piano" which I thought would elicit a cool, fast-tempo song, but it did not fit the scene like we thought.  So, I searched for a "synth" instead. Synth's provide a very high tone that would bring the technological elements that we craved for the film, as it takes place in a virtual environment. This song is called Sports Action and I don't think it can be any more perfect:

It just has that intense, fast-paced nature that we were looking for!! It definitely fits with the running scene.

Next time, I'll progress onto scene 3! 

Till next time, Have a great day!! 

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