Saturday, April 11, 2020

(#34) - audio correction!

Casting my sister was a huge benefit.

Obviously, during quarantine, we cannot go out and film or meet up to work on editing or analyzing our website. This is a huge negative because there could be a scene we didn't like due to composition, and we can't go out and reshoot it. Upon editing the scene at the beach, we didn't anticipate how loud and problematic the wind would be in post-production.

Specifically, there was one clip where the wind was louder than the delivery of one of Miranda's lines. As we can't go back to the beach and re-film that moment, I had a brilliant idea. The wind's volume is so loud that if I could layer another clip of Miranda's voice on top of it, the consistent wisp of the wind would still be kept throughout the scene. Now the only problem was recording it. I only had to walk 6 feet down my hallway to tell my sister I needed her voice.

With both of my monitors set up, Kailey was able to watch the scene and speak the line at the exact same time as she did in the clip. She did this with the same microphone that was used to record the scene in the first place, except this was in the comfort of our home.

Now the scene sounds significantly better, thanks to this correction!! Here is a before and after:

Till Next Time, Have a Great Day,

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