I storyboarded the scene of Mr. Carmichael and the boy. Due to the show, I did not have time to upload my sketches into the software I wanted to try out (I really wanted to post my storyboard today), but I have a solid understanding of how the scene would play out.
In hindsight, it might have been easier to develop the script first and then decide how my characters would move about the space using their dialogue. I think I can still work with my storyboard though because it hits the main shots that I want, allowing me some flexibility to add some shot/countershots throughout my scene.
(1----> 2 ----> 3)
(4 ----> 5 ----> 6)

I made this storyboard through individual sketches in a notebook I had. Although it is slightly jarring to see my fingers holding the pages down, I can promise that they won't make it to the final cut of the film. After taking the photos of my sketches, I dropped the image files into a Google Slide and made a brief template of this scene.
I definitely made a few key story decisions on this board. Disregarding the inconsistencies of the characters, Mr. Carmichael will definitely sport prescription glasses to make him look more like a stereotypical teacher. I also decided on having the superpower being telekinesis because I can simply tie a fishing wire around an object and make it appear as if it's levitating (I mostly chose this power because I think it is really cool and it's the power I had originally envisioned when I thought of this scene).
I'm going to do some more major thinking about the scene with the parent(s) because I'm not positive if I have the time to include it. If I can establish a super strong connection with the Boy and Mr. Carmichael, perhaps I can mesh the introduction of the superpower and the conversationalist in just one scene. Definitely something for me to think about.
In my next postings, I'm going to talk more about my casting; I've narrowed down the role of the Boy to two of my friends. I think I know which one I'm leaning towards based on who I want to play Mr. Carmichael, but I'll talk about that at a later date.
- Jake
Unfortunately, there is not going to be a hero for today. But there is a good reason why...
Yesterday I saw Captain Marvel with Bri Larson and I thought it was perfect for me to talk about in my blog. This week I am going to make a post dedicated solely to my analysis of the film. I will definitely say now that Goose the cat was one of the best characters, hands down.

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