Monday, March 9, 2020

(#16) - everyone, my house, 8:30 (Production Day #2)

Our previous production day was a huge success; we captured all the footage we needed, took some fun pictures, and most importantly, had lots of fun doing it. With one awesome day complete, Luis and I looked forward to production day #2....

12:08 AM: Jack texted me. Something had come up and he could not make it to our 8:30 call time. This was bad, as we were already accommodating for the actress playing Courtney, who was in scenes with Z. With recasting in the back of my mind, I trusted the plan I had for the morning: at 7:30 I was to pick up the orange and blue shirt for Riley's character, pick up Sebastian (our actor for Andrew), then drive home and take down all of our family photos in preparation for filming.

7:30 AM: I pulled up to my friend's house and after a few knocks on her door, she handed me her orange and blue striped t-shirt for Riley's costume. As Sebastian lives in the same neighborhood, I swung by his place to pick him up.

(The shirt I picked up for Riley)

8:16 AM: I arrived home with Sebastian. My sister was awake at this time, so she helped as the three of us removed family pictures from the countertops. At the same time, I was placing numerous phone calls to people from my neighborhood and my theatre class in a panic looking for a new actor for Z. Six phone calls later, the first person to pick up was my friend Zachk, who starred in my production of Newsies a year ago as Jack Kelly. He was the only person awake at the time and (much to my surprise) agreed to a 25-minute drive from his house to mine.

8:30 AM: Feeling relief now that I had a full cast once again, I greeted the first few actors that arrived by showing them their blocking. This was to increase the efficiency of the production day at my house (as Luis hadn't arrived yet). All I was waiting on to begin production was Luis with the camera, Zachk, and our actors for Charlie and Bryce (who was coming with Luis).

9:30 AM: With everyone now in attendance, Luis and I began filming the first scene beginning with Courtney and Z's entrance. 

Overall, this filming process was really easy and fun. Between scenes I filled in Luis on the blocking I had given to the actors, giving the actors time to memorize their lines before being on camera. Our actor for Bryce kept breaking character (just like he did on the beach), but it made for an entertaining experience for everyone. 

Funny enough, we needed someone to be our sound guy while I was on camera. Therefore, who better to take my place than someone with my same name!

11:21 AM: We finished filming Scene #1!! Now all of us (besides Taylor, as she had a prior commitment) made our way to my neighborhood park. We were not originally planning on using this location, but for time's sake, Luis and I made a last-minute change to use this spot rather than a park 15 minutes down the road. Besides, it was more fun to walk with the entire cast for 5 minutes while everyone held a piece of equipment. 

The only set piece that needed to be set up was the rag-tag "FINISH" line, indicating the goal for the second challenge. The previous night I had cut 6 letters out of different pieces copy paper to make the sign that would be hung from my frame (I knew I'd have a use for the frame!). 

The only assembly required was taping these letters onto the frame. It was a hassle because of the wind at the park, but not a problem due to the abundance of tape on our roll!

Shout out to my sister for taking (most of) the b-roll footage for Luis and I.

After securing the sign, the production process went extremely smooth. We ensured to get numerous angles and moments here, also capturing some footage of people's feet running. In no time, Luis and I were able to make the announcement.....

1:28 PM: ..."THAT'S A WRAP!" We had finished 2 hours before our schedule. This was awesome!!! Zackh was able to get home in a timely manner, and Luis and I were joined by the remaining cast to enjoy pizza in celebration of a successful day of filming.

I have my alarm clock set bright and early tomorrow morning, excited to film the final scene!!

Till next time, Have a great day,

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