Wednesday, March 25, 2020

(#26) - Editing Day 1



Before I dive into how I began my portion of the editing process, I need to say that I am looking forward to editing this video WAYYYY more than my film from last year. Something about these 9 students versus the unconfident guy in SuperHuman makes me more enthusiastic about working towards telling this story rather than my other one. I also have a lot more experience in editing now than last year, which definitely brings about confidence in me. I'm ready to attack this beast of a film head-on, with everything I got!

Here's how we broke it up:

Luis and I have pre-established the roles we would play in this process. As he is the meticulous perfectionist, ensuring all jumpcuts and other transitions would be his job. On the contrary, my knack of storytelling ensures that all the scenes are in order and that all characters in a scene have the appropriate amount of screentime during an exchange. This was the plan: Luis would be the micro and I would be the Macro.

As the premier person to begin adding clips to the first draft of the film, I opened our shared WeVideo document and started my expedition.

Trial and Error

Full disclosure, I had a lot of fun editing. Because there were so many takes of a line, I had to skim through numerous clips until I found the most appropriate insert for the scene. This was incredibly time-consuming as I had to do some frame-by-frame edits to make sure that dialogue sounded as clean and crisp during any given exchange between characters. I was extremely proud of my ability to precisely get Isa saying "Seriously", although it was two videos back to back. 

Additionally, I was the first person to touch the brief montage of Garrett getting eliminated in the bathroom!! It was a lot of fun to choose what angles would be at this part and I'm stoked to see how Luis plans on sprinkling Disney Magic at this moment (as I am not strong in fast-paced editing at all). 

To conclude, 

After an hour of editing this scene, I went back into what I had created. Some moments were paced faster than others because of the delivery of the actor's lines, but otherwise, I was ecstatic with what I had produced!! Do I think Luis and I need to go back and make corrections?.... yes, because it's always beneficial to have another pair of eyes observing something you're working on. Luis is going to go onto the shared file and do some micro edits now that I have compiled this first scene together.

Tomorrow I'm going to start on scene 2!! I'm pumped!!

Till next time, Have a Great Day, and Wash Your Hands!

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