Crap. Luis and I already had to reschedule our filming day because of daylight savings, and now we couldn't film because one of our actors was driving 5 hours north to meet with his sister. Luis proclaimed that Murphy's Law had come to bite us in the butt. I chose not to worry about this until...
12:30 AM: One of my actresses told me she was unable to come to production because she had too much homework and not enough time to complete it. As students ourselves, Luis and I understood and wished her well in her studies. Now that one of our important characters were unable to film, Luis and I needed to brainstorm a possible solution, figure out what we could do during our scheduled production day.
12:50 AM: We figured it out. We would keep the voiceover element for the ending, but rather than have the announcer speak over close-ups of all the eliminated students, it would be of a conversation of Garrett and Isa. She would ask him about him losing to the water glitch, which he explains was intentional because he didn't care to continue the competition. This would reinforce the same message that the competitive nature of schools is overwhelmingly negative.
3:30 PM: The available cast and I took yearbook/ID pictures for our school website! Here's how some of the quick edits came out:

For this upcoming week, Luis and I plan on getting the final scene of Isa and Garrett, footage of Bryce leaving the simulation and the pictures of Isa and Z for their IDs. This will be a matter of scheduling our time appropriately and finding the time with our actors.
This week I have my Rock of Ages performance in addition to my States Thespians competition next week. It's imperative that Luis and I plan ahead for these conflicts.
Till next time, Have a great day!
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